Blackhat USA 2012: Interview with Matias Katz & Maxi Soler about HTExploit

Blackhat USA 2012: Interview with Matias Katz & Maxi Soler about HTExploit

Matias Katz

Mkit Argentina

Matias Katz is a Penetration Tester who specializes Web security analysis. He loves to build simple tools to perform discovery and exploitation on any software or network. Also, he is Super Mario World master!!


Maximiliano Soler

Maximiliano Soler lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina and currently works as Security Analyst, in a International Bank. Maxi has discovered vulnerabilities in different applications Web and Microsoft’s products.



NJ Ouchn

"Passion is needed for any great work, and for the revolution, passion and audacity are required in big doses"