PowerOPS v1.0 PowerShell for Offensive Operations

PowerOPS v1.0 PowerShell for Offensive Operations

PowerOPS is an application written in C# that does not rely on powershell.exe but runs PowerShell commands and functions within a powershell runspace environment (.NET). It intends to include multiple offensive PowerShell modules to make the process of Post Exploitation easier.

It tries to follow the KISS principle, being as simple as possible. The main goal is to make it easy to use PowerShell offensively and help to evade antivirus and other mitigations solutions. It does this by:

  1. Doesn’t rely on powershell.exe, it calls PowerShell directly through the .NET framework, which might help bypassing security controls like GPO, SRP and App Locker.
  2. The payloads are executed from memory and never touch disk, evading most antivirus engines.


The following PowerShell tools/functions are included:

Additionally you can run any valid PowerShell command.

Powershell functions within the Runspace are loaded in memory from Base64 Encoded Strings.

More Information: here

[button size=large style=round color=red align=none url=https://github.com/fdiskyou/PowerOPS]Download PowerOPS v1.0[/button]

Thanks to our friend Rui, for sharing this tool with us.


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