PoT – Phishing on Twitter v0.1

PoT – Phishing on Twitter v0.1

PoT (Phishing on Twitter) is phishing tool. It is spoofing target’s friend and creating tweet like him. It all happens automatically.

How it works?

  • Collect data from target’s twitter account.
  • Find target’s friend and copy her/him account.
  • Generate tweet automatically with markov chain algorithm and send it.


git clone https://github.com/omergunal/PoT
cd PoT
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Note: Update your api keys in “PoT.cfg”. Go to https://apps.twitter.com/ and get API keys

More information: here

[button size=large style=round color=red align=none url=https://github.com/omergunal/PoT]Download Phishing on Twitter v0.1[/button]

Thanks to Omer for sharing this tool with us.


www.artssec.com @maxisoler